
The law requires that the following information is provided on our website.  Most information is available elsewhere on the website. However, this area has been designed with direct links to those pages or documents for ease of access. The Consortium Academy Trust publish a gender pay gap statement on their website which can be found here.

All Trust Policies can be seen here

Please click on the links below to see the documentation


Context Information

School Context
Access to Education - Attendance Procedures
Uniform Policy


Admission Arrangements

Behaviour and Exclusions

Trust Primary Behaviour Policy
Croxby Behaviour Policy
Exclusion Policy
Anti-Bullying Policy

Curriculum Policies

Calculation Policy
Curriculum Policy
EYFS Policy
Marking & Feedback Policy
Relationship and Health Education
Teaching, Learning & Assessment Policy

Assessment Information 

Performance Tables & KS2 Results 

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Current Strategy Statement


SEND Policy
SEND Information Report
Enhanced Resource Provision Information Report
SEND Local Offer 


Accessibility Plan

Equality & Diversity 

Promoting Equal Opportunities Policy (Learners)
School Equality Objectives


Complaints Procedure
Whistleblowing Policy

Financial & Legal Information

Trust Annual Financial Statement
Trust Scheme of Delegation
CCTV Policy
Freedom of Information Policy
Health & Safety Policy

Local Governing Body Information

Trust Governance Information
LGB Attendance & Interest Information


Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy Croxby specific
Child Sexual Exploitation Policy TCAT
E-Safety Policy
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Supporting Learners with Medical Conditions Policy
ICT Acceptable Use Policy
Intimate Care Policy 

Charging & Remissions

Charging Policy

Sports Premium

Primary PE and Sport Premium 23-24
Primary PE and Sport Premium 22-23
Primary PE and Sport Premium 21-22

Data Protection

Data Protection
Records Management Policy

Other Documents

ECT Induction Policy

If you are experiencing difficulty accessing these policies or would like a paper copy please contact the school office (processed within 24 hours). In addition, our Travel Plan highlights the expectations of travelling to our busy school site, both at the usual times and in exceptional circumstances.

Our Travel Plan highlights that Bricknell Avenue is a very busy road, and it is essential that all children and parents use the crossing in order to keep safe.