Graduate Awards

At Croxby, we strive to ensure that our children have a thirst for knowledge and an exceptional grasp of basic skills. To encourage scholarship and a love for learning, we introduced Graduate Awards in early 2019. This scheme allows children across all year groups to strive for success and direct their own learning. 

Each week, teachers will select a topic from our vast bank of resources; this choice will be related to their in-school learning or simply be an area of interest requested by the children. Pupils are encouraged to revise for their graduate using the resources below. Every Friday, pupils will be given the opportunity to complete one quiz within the school.

Each pupil will receive a graduate award booklet to record their graduate award passes throughout the year.

  • 1 Graduate Award = Stamp
  • 5 Graduate Awards = Blue Badge
  • 10 Graduate Awards = Bronze Badge
  • 15 Graduate Awards = Silver Badge
  • 20 Graduate Awards = Gold Badge
  • 30 Graduate Awards = Gold Medal

At the end of the year, the child in each class that achieves the highest number of graduate awards will receive a trophy and be crowned Graduate Master!